Cuando alquien que tú adora se convierte en un recuerdo…

El tecuerdo se convierte en un tesoro ❤️


Querida Mami, siempre tengo tantos recuerdos de ti.

Muchas veces saco las fotos que hicimos juntas  y es como si tù estuviera aquí conmigo . ¡ Que bonitos recuerdos!!  ¿Te recuerdas las bacas blancas y negras  en Suiza ? A ti, te encantaba pasar tiempo mirándolas paradas en la esquina de la casa donde alguien tenía un grupo en la finca pequeña. Yo te saqué este foto pero desafortunadamente no estaban fuera ese día.

Gracias  por venir a Suiza , me hiciste tan buena compañía. Susana también lo pasó de oró .  Paseando contigo era el más bonito sueño de mi vida.  ¡Qué suerte tuve tener ese regalo.!

Hoy y siempre te echo tanto de menos Mami. Como quisiera que  tú estuvieras aquí a mi lado. Yo sé que tú quisieras lo mismo pero como tú siempre me lo decía “nacimos para morir, unos antes que otros “  Dios te llevó hace nueve años hoy. El día mas triste de mi vida. Pero ahora los ángeles tienen la suerte  de disfrutar de tú alegría, tú compasión y tu espíritu divino. Un día cuando Dios quiera,  nos veremos otra vez, nunca más para separarnos. Bendiciones Mami, que Dios te tenga en el cielo descansando,  rodeada  con todo lo que tú admira y hasta que mi alma llegue a tu lado. Te adoro ❤️?


Saints aren’t perfect they are just kinder than the rest of us

Querida Mami,

Tú me decias que yo era una santa, pero eso es lo que tú te mereciste aquí y ahora en el cielo.  Ocho años han pasado desde que te puedo dar un abrazo y mirarte a tú preciosa cara, arreglarte el pelo, y reír nos juntas. No se pasa un día que no quisiera verte y disfrutar de lo bonito contigo Mami.

Hoy encontré  este recuerdo de un regalo de perlas que me diste. Gracias por mandármelo hoy.

Tantas memorias preciosas tengo de nuestra vida juntas.  La madre mejor del mundo y ahora de los cielos. Que suerte tienen todos los que tú sigues ayudando con tú vida espiritual. Yo se que tú siempre me acompañas por este camino.  Te siento en las mariposas, las flores, el alba, el cielo, los pajaritos, las velas, las vistas en el parque y del mar y cuando pienso en ti me iluminas la vida, me llenas con animo como lo hacías antes que te llevaron para ser un ángel.

Te quiero Mami hoy y hasta la eternidad. Que tú alma siempre esté en paz por hacer una madre y abuela a Susannita maravillosa.


Recuerdos en Tú Cumpleaños…


Querida Mami,

Tú familia, que te adora, te están acordando hoy en tu cumpleaños, y cada día, Mami.

Aqui estan unos recuerdos que hiciste con tú familia.  Ojalá que los recibes y te ponga contenta en tú cielo de descanso de eternidad. Te hechamos tanto de menos, pero la luz que dejastes aquí, te sigue, con cada acto de compasión que tú siempre promoaba.  Te mandamos miles bendiciones y que Dios de bendiga. Te queremos muchimismo Mami !!




“How can I forget so many beautiful memories. How my Mom did everything with unconditional love for all her 6 daughters and without any help from anyone. I also remember all the joy I would give her when I’d take over a beautiful Afghan every few years. Or the happiness I gave her when she couldn’t make her famous Pasteles and I took over, she just couldn’t wait to eat them. What a caring loving MOM SHE WAS ONE IN A MILLION. May she forever rest in Peace and all the Angels watch over her.”  – Your loving daughter, Elsie


“One of my favorite memories of grandma would be watching her walk down the hallway with her chanclettas click clacking and saying…Voy….most precious is her saying bye bye and always waving in the window…Happy Birthday Abuela…te estranjo mucho…thanks for dancing with me and making me LA croquettas…I miss your laugh till you couldn’t and would say Ahhhh. Hilarious. Miss eating coffee ice-cream with you. You’re forever in my heart.” – Tu santa nieta…..Cindy


“I can think of so many beautiful memories of the best Mommy in the world. I still remember the magnificent garden on Warren St., the hamburgers she made for all of us when we would picnic in Prospect Park or the beach when Daddy was alive. As we got older, Conrad and I loved cooking for her. I know she enjoyed our eggplant parmesan and chicken cutlets. We loved going food shopping for her. She knew Conrad would always buy pansitos for her along with a large cup of Columbian coffee and El Diario. We loved hosting and celebrating Thanksgiving together with the family. Mommy always led us in prayer. I know she always prayed for her Mother and to this day, I continue saying prayers for our grandparents in Mommy’s memory. I miss speaking with her on the phone. We always spoke twice a day – usually at 10AM and again in the evening.

Mommy adored her family and we all adored her. As we approach Mommy’s birthday, Conrad and I will continue to keep Mommy’s love for the family alive just as she would want us to. Biestos siempre Mommy y Feliz Cumpleano.” – Luisa y Arturo


“The sweetest and most vivid memory I have of Mami is of us riding in my red convertible with the top down, wind blowing her glorious white hair like a soft cloud, her beautiful face shining in the sun with her large sunglasses. She would dance “la rumba “in her seat as Ricky blasted on the radio. She would tell me ”¡Cánte! as I sang along to “la Bomba”. We would laugh ourselves silly. Precious memories! “- Manolita


“Great Memories of your Mamma. I have a few… one time she and Luis danced on the stairs in 285 7th while Luis sang a Christmas carol, he was 3. The other was when she grabbed my hand and took me from the living room to the dining room to make sure I ate!”  – Marc


“I remember Grandma babysitting me and letting me drink from a bottle way longer than was age appropriate. She would just sit with me and let me hold her arm while I had my little beverage. She also had these tiny coke bottle-shaped salt and pepper shakers, which she would fill with real coke and give them to me so I could pretend I was a giant. She taught me to dance like a sugar plum fairy on Christmas, and we recorded it all on VHS. I will never again have meals like the ones she prepared for us during the holidays. They were feasts, enough for three times more people than came to enjoy them. OH, the leftovers!” – Luis


“One of my cherished memories of Mami, that always makes my heart smile, is the time we were invited by Placido Domingo to see him perform in London. As we were getting dressed in our hotel room, I “modeled” what I thought was the classiest outfit that I was going to wear for the event. Her response, as she was uncontrollably laughing was, ” Asi vas a ir ? Eso se parece como vas a ir al colegio.”  I broke out into laughter and quickly changed my crisp, freshly ironed, white school blouse into a fancy black designer halter with her approval.”  – tú hija que te adora y si, Mami, I keep smiling. – Susanna


“I remember vividly her beautiful smile and those precious moments when Tia expressed her loving and tenderness feelings towards me making me feel very special as my own mother would. Everything in the universe is connected. It is just one energy field. I will always be part of her and she of me.” – With loving thoughts, Mercedes Doble


“What stands out for me about my Tia Manuela is that she lived a very happy and fulfilled life. I know this because she always spoke about how all of her beautiful daughters were there for her; whether it was traveling to distant places of beauty or simply stated by her “voy a carminar el pueblo de Huntington” Over the years she had sent photos documenting bits of her life and what always came through was her pride in her family. That is what my Mom and I always spoke about. That is what we remember. What I can say is that my Tia’s life absolutely mirrors my Mom’s life in that they were blessed to have a loving family and we were Lucky to have them as our Mothers.

God bless you always Manuela and God bless you always Mom for giving us the most meaningful and wonderful lives. We love you and miss you.”  -Love Sandra